Who we are
Who we are
A services company, we provide our services with the highest quality standards, we are keen on customer satisfaction by building the service that suits them and the way we work, we are distinguished by the integration of our services provided
The first services company in Syria
– Customer satisfaction.
– To leave the place that our team visit in the best possible condition.
– Providing what exceeds customers’ expectations in an integrated manner.
– Changing the perception of services in the country.
– To be the first integrated home services company in the country.
– Providing decent job opportunities for a broad segment of society.
A company established on 01/03/2018 provides cleaning services for homes and workplaces, based in Aleppo. The company provides all its services with integrated systems guaranteeing quality, proficiency, follow up before, during and after implementation of the service.
The idea was launched as a result of years of war- which exhausted the city and its people-, the difficult and bad reality, the various needs, the suffering and the need for safety that was lost in every detail of life.
We decided to institutionalize Hossa and Nus to be the solution to a range of problems, meet you needs, to be an intelligent solution in the middle of the spiral needs and problems.
1 – The affected areas: 31% of the houses and institutions were damaged and needed to be rehabilitated and serviced.
2. The role of women: As women move into the labor market to meet the needs of the family, they are increasingly in need of help with their duties at home.
3. Returnees: The return of more than 400,000 people to Aleppo during 2018 means that there are thousands of homes, workplaces and investment projects of all kinds that need many basic services.
4 – Integrity and trust: Because of the fallout of war, people prefer to deal with service companies more than individuals, more secure and confident.
5 – Service gap: There are no companies specialized in cleaning services, only independent individuals, in addition to difficult access to them.
• During 2018 we managed to reach 430 customers, signing 170 contracts, and securing 35 job opportunities.
Competitive advantage
Goals set for 2019:
Goals set for 2019, and the percentage of achievement for each:
Additional Achievements in 2019:
Al-Qura Al-Ardiah Roundabout – End of the bridge leading to Seif Al Dawleh.
During 2019 we managed to reach 515 customers, signing 280 contracts.
Goals set for 2020:
Goals Set for 2020:
Additional Achievements in 2020:
Company’s Vision for 2021:
To become the no.1 cleaning services provider in Aleppo (Halab)
Added Value for 2021:
Highest level of quality in the shortest timeframe.
Goals for 2021:
In 2021, the company kept going at a steady pace, and a stable increasing frequency against all obstacles that have had a huge impact on many aspects of work to achieve our vision of being the No. 1 cleaning company in Syria. We are constantly working on development and meeting the aspirations, wants, and needs of our clients to get their satisfaction. To accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a number of the objectives were set for the year, and many achievements have been reached:
Objectives, Vision, and Added Value for 2021:
We present here the objectives, vision, and added value set for 2021, and what has been achieved and the against-goal progress:
“To become the No. 1 cleaning company in Aleppo” through providing our services with the highest quality standards, paying attention to the details of the service starting from contacting the client and post-service communication; this is the main distinctive characteristic we have “paying attention to the details” which was verified by the service evaluations of our clients.
“Best Quality, Shortest Time”
We have been able to achieve our added value through enhancing the role of our workers and activating them more by utilizing the skills of each person in a way that increases the level of the service and quickens the pace of implementation.
Many encouraging steps have been taken towards the way of dealing with the workers, and we have been able to enhance the sense of responsibility of the employees in the company; thus, achieving the objective.
We have been able to commit to our company provided services with an increase of concern so that they are delivered in the best way. Currently, we are working on analyzing some weakness points to overcome them in 2022.
We have not been able to add new services in 2021, but many experiments have been executed in order to study and analyze the services to work on launching them in 2022.
We have signed a contract with the Automobile & Tourism Syrian Club as a first step towards the biggest objective, and sign more contracts.
Extra Achievements in 2021:
In 2022, we will continue seeking to achieve our vision at the company to become the no. 1 cleaning company in Syria, which works on developing itself, and try to rise up to the aspirations, wants, and needs of the clients to attain their satisfaction. In order to accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a set of objectives have been set for 2022.
Company Vision in 2022:
“Minimal waiting time for clients”
Added Value for 2022:
“Client Service”
Objectives Set for 2022:
Annual Report 2022
In the year 2022, the company continued its journey, at a steady pace, with an increasing and stable frequency, despite all the obstacles that greatly affected the various aspects of work, to achieve our vision of being the first cleaning company in Syria, which is always pursuing developing itself and strive to achieve the aspirations, desires and needs of customers. To achieve their satisfaction, and in order to achieve this distant vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for the year 2022 were defined, and many achievements were achieved:
Goals, vision and added value set for 2022:
We review the company’s goals, vision and added value for the year 2022, what has been achieved and the percentage of completion:
“Less waiting time for customers” We were able to achieve our vision with a 95% completion rate, as we couldn’t achieve the lowest waiting time in only 3 jobs during the year.
“Customer Service” We were able to achieve our added value by enhancing the effectiveness of the communication system, enhancing the services provided, and adding new services, to increase the integration of the service provided to customers.
Additional achievements for 2022:
Hosa Wa Nos
Vision, Added Value, and Objectives of 2023
In 2022, we will continue seeking to achieve our vision at the company to become the no. 1 cleaning company in Syria, which works on developing itself, and try to rise up to the aspirations, wants, and needs of the clients to attain their satisfaction. In order to accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a set of objectives have been set for 2023.
Company Vision in 2023:
The integrated source for home services.
Added Value for 2023:
“Renewal and creativity”
Objectives Set for 2023:
Hosa Wa NOS
In 2023, we in the company continued our journey, at a steady pace, and with a somewhat stable frequency, despite all the obstacles that greatly affected various aspects of work and the global economic turmoil. We continued to achieve our vision to be the first services company in Syria, which always works to develop itself and seeks to fulfill customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs, to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision; the company’s vision, added value, and several goals for the year 2023 were set, and many objectives were achieved:
We review the company’s goals, vision, and added value for 2023, what has been achieved, and the percentage of completion:
“The Integrated Source for Home Services” We achieved our vision with an impressive completion percentage, compared to the turbulent working conditions during the year.
“Renewal and Creativity” We were able to achieve our added value by enhancing the services provided, innovating new implementation methods that were worked on and developed, and new service groups were added as well.
Hosa wa nos
In 2024, the company will continue the endeavor to achieve our vision of being the first services company in Syria, and despite all the challenges facing the local market in particular, and the global market in general, we are always working to develop ourselves and try to achieve customers’ aspirations, desires and needs, to gain their satisfaction, and to achieve the long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value and a set of goals for 2024 have been identified.
“Enhancing comprehensive and integrated services”
“Integration in action”
In 2024, our company continued its journey with steady steps and relatively stable progress, despite various obstacles that significantly impacted different aspects of our work. Despite the global economic turmoil, we continued to pursue our vision of becoming the leading service company in Syria. We always strive to develop ourselves and meet our customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for 2024 were identified, and many achievements were made:
We present the company’s goals, vision, added value for 2024, what has been achieved, and the completion rate:
“Enhancing Comprehensive Integrated Services” We achieved the vision by implementing a remarkable range of integrated services, canceling minor services, and specializing only in comprehensive services.
“Integration in Work” We achieved added value by enhancing integration in our work as one of our unique points of distinction, paying great attention to this aspect to achieve it and our unique excellence.
Additional Achievements for 2024:
Hosa Wa Nos
In 2025, we will continue our pursuit to achieve our vision of becoming the leading service company in Syria. Despite all the challenges facing the local market in particular, the country in general due to recent political developments, and the global market at large, we always strive to develop ourselves and attempt to fulfill our customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for 2025 have been identified.
“Enhancing Partnership and Cooperation with Others”
“Competitive Achievement”
Hosa Wa Nos
Captain of Hossa Wa Nos, served as CEO of three social and commercial institutions, a community entrepreneur, 10 years of experience in management and quality control.
Bachelor of Business Administration, Business / Social Entrepreneurship, launched 20 community projects, and founded two emerging companies.
Al-Qura Al-Ardiah Roundabout – End of the bridge leading to Seif Al Dawleh.
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Why Choose us
A services company, we provide our services with the highest quality standards, we are keen on customer satisfaction by building the service that suits them and the way we work, we are distinguished by the integration of our services provided
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