Who we are

Leave cleaning to us

A services company, we provide our services with the highest quality standards, we are keen on customer satisfaction by building the service that suits them and the way we work, we are distinguished by the integration of our services provided


The first services company in Syria


–   Customer satisfaction.

–   To leave the place that our team visit in the best possible condition.

–  Providing what exceeds customers’ expectations in an integrated manner.

–  Changing the perception of services in the country.

–   To be the first integrated home services company in the country.

–  Providing decent job opportunities for a broad segment of society.

Hosa wa nos history


hosa wa nos

A company established on 01/03/2018 provides cleaning services for homes and workplaces, based in Aleppo. The company provides all its services with integrated systems guaranteeing quality, proficiency, follow up before, during and after implementation of the service.

The idea was launched as a result of years of war- which exhausted the city and its people-, the difficult and bad reality, the various needs, the suffering and the need for safety that was lost in every detail of life.

We decided to institutionalize Hossa and Nus to be the solution to a range of problems, meet you needs, to be an intelligent solution in the middle of the spiral needs and problems.

The factors that we started from

1 – The affected areas: 31% of the houses and institutions were damaged and needed to be rehabilitated and serviced.
2. The role of women: As women move into the labor market to meet the needs of the family, they are increasingly in need of help with their duties at home.
3. Returnees: The return of more than 400,000 people to Aleppo during 2018 means that there are thousands of homes, workplaces and investment projects of all kinds that need many basic services.
4 – Integrity and trust: Because of the fallout of war, people prefer to deal with service companies more than individuals, more secure and confident.
5 – Service gap: There are no companies specialized in cleaning services, only independent individuals, in addition to difficult access to them.

• During 2018 we managed to reach 430 customers, signing 170 contracts, and securing 35 job opportunities.



Competitive advantage

  • We are the first in this market
  • The Experience of our team
  • Social Responsibility
  • Special cleaning materials
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Offers and discounts
  • Network Relationships
  • trade mark
  • Unique customer experience

Annual Report 2019

In 2019, the company kept going at a steady pace, and a stable increasing frequency, and have achieved a number of the goals set for the year, and did not do the same for a number of others, which is being reviewed and analyzed to achieve them in 2020.

Goals set for 2019:

Goals set for 2019, and the percentage of achievement for each:

  • Creative Marketing; achieved; Contract signed with Blue Orange Agency, %100 Achievement
  • Increase No. staff to 25; partially achieved; Because of the current situation of the country, and because of the hardships in recruitment, No. staff has reached only 20; 80% achievement.
  • Legal licensing; partially achieved; licensing process has been started. will be done by the end of JAN 2020; 80% achievement.
  • Website; achieved; a website has been created: https://hosawanos.com/; 100% achievement.
  • To serve 600 clients; achieved; 945 clients have been serviced; 100% achievement.

Additional Achievements in 2019:

  • Qualitative trainings for the team, each according to the specialty of the team members, some relating to teamwork and communication, others for professional office management, and internal quality auditing.
  • Being socially responsible towards the city, and providing a cleaning service for both Al-Raees Mosque in the perimeter of the municipality building, and the Church of St George’s Church in Azizieh with only the costprice.
  • Procurement of electrical appliances (Vacuum cleaner, rug washing appliance)
  • Preparing a new headquarters for the company to develop the work in all aspects. Hence, the new address for the company will be:

Al-Qura Al-Ardiah Roundabout – End of the bridge leading to Seif Al Dawleh.

  • Because of the ongoing search for developing the services, and giving the best results, we have started experimenting with new German chemical-electrolytes-neutral echo-friendly cleaning materials. Thus, having no effect on the user, nor the floors or furniture, which will be used as part of the services in 2020.

During 2019 we managed to reach 515 customers, signing 280 contracts.

2020 Goals

in 2020, we will keep going at a steady pace, and a stable increasing frequency, to achieve our vision of becoming the best cleaning company in Syria, which is always working on developing itself and trying to meet its clients requests and needs, to attain their satisfaction. In order to fulfill this vision, a group of goals has been set for 2020.

Goals set for 2020:

  • To keep on being socially responsible towards the city.
  • To increase the number of staff to 30, to be able to answer the increasing number of client demands, to enhance the role of trust in Hosa Wa Nos.
  • Qualitative training for the team, relating to quality, team management, teamwork, to raise the service level, and the skills of the team.
  • To start using German cleaning materials for the sake of the workers’ and the places’ safety, which is considered a part of the company’s continuous work on transcending the quality of the services, and the ongoing search for the clients’ satisfaction and comfort.
  • To add new services provided by the company, currently being considered. What is planned for 2020 is to add 2 services alongside the cleaning service, to increase the level of client confidence, and to meet the clients’ demands in more than one field.
  • To increase the sales by a margin of 5%.
  • To sign 3 service contracts with private institutions.

Year End Report 2020

In 2020, the company kept on going, against all odds and hard circumstances within this year, from both global and local POVs, and have been able to achieve a part of the goals set for this past year, whereas other goals have not been achieved; analysis as to what has caused this is in progress to work out the weakness points.

Goals Set for 2020:

  • These were the goals set for 2020, what’s been achieved, and the percentage of achievement against the target:
    • Keeping up with the company’s social responsibility towards the city by:
    1. Keeping the staff employed throughout the stoppage of work caused by the pandemic of COVID19.
    2. Increasing the salaries of the staff in the face price increases.
    3. Providing our staff with surgical masks and sanitizers.
    4. Adding sanitization as a service as a response to COVID19.
    5. Offering a 25% discount for the residents of Zahraa as an encouragement for their return to the area.
    6. Providing a full cleaning service for Salman Al-Faresi Mosque, and a sanitization service to Jesus, the Worker, Monastery
    • Qualitative training for our team, including quality, team management, working in a team, and team skills; which has been achieved through hands-on training for the team members and the supervisors.
    • Using German cleaning materials to ensure the safety of the team, and serviced places, which is included in our continuous pursuit of refining our services’ quality, constant concern for the comfort and satisfaction of our clients; achieved, we have started using both German sanitizers and cleaning materials.
    • Increase the number of employees to 30, to be able to answer the increasing number of requests by clients, in order to affirm trust. This goal has not been achieved because of the economic decline and consecutive crises.
    • Add new services to our company (currently being studied). The plan for 2020 was to add 2 services besides the cleaning ones, to raise the level of client trust, and secure client’s requests in multiple extents; 3 services have been added:
    1. Sanitation services (change, maintenance, and repairs of water provision grids)
    2. Electrical services (change, maintenance, and repairs of power grids)
    3. Sanitization services
    • Increase sales by a margin of 5%; achieved by a margin of 6%.
    • Sign 3 periodical service contracts with private companies; achieved, with 4 private companies.

Additional Achievements in 2020:

  • In 2020, we have been able to reach a total of 512 clients, sign 114 service contracts, provide 600 services.
  • Our added value of 2020 is: ”paying attention to mistakes and fixing them”; which has been achieved by a margin of 99%
  • Hosa Wa Nos has been able to gain access to 11 new areas within Aleppo.
  • Hosa Wa Nos has been able to provide qualitative (specific) services with high levels of professionalism, most significant of which is cleaning a glass façade for a 4-story building with a width of 700 meters by use of a fork lift.
  • In 2020, we, in Hosa Wa Nos, have been able to provide our clients with services with high levels of flexibility and organization, to grasp their satisfaction buy-in, and loyalty.

Vision, Added Value, and Goals – 2021

In 2021, the company will keep steadily going the same way, with a stable increasing frequency, to achieve our vision to become the no.1 cleaning services provider in Syria, which is constantly working on self-development, meeting customer needs, aspirations, and requests, to attain their satisfaction. In order for us to achieve this far-flung vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a number of goals have been set for 2021.

Company’s Vision for 2021:

To become the no.1 cleaning services provider in Aleppo (Halab)

Added Value for 2021:

Highest level of quality in the shortest timeframe.

Goals for 2021:

  • Stay on course regarding the company’s social responsibility towards the city
  • Increase the number of staff to 30, to be able to meet the increasing number of customer requests and demands, as means of build-up
  • To take in consideration and focus our human resources, to provide them with new merits (being prepared), to attain employees’ level of comfort necessary for doing the job in the best way possible, which will, in turn, reinforce their capacity, skills, their sense of responsibility, which will reflect on the services provided for the clients.
  • To keep providing all of our services whilst working on strengthening our last-year additions.
  • Add 2 new services (preparation in progress)
  • To sign a periodical service contract with a large private company that includes a large workload
  • Increase sales by a margin of 5%

Annual Report 2021

In 2021, the company kept going at a steady pace, and a stable increasing frequency against all obstacles that have had a huge impact on many aspects of work to achieve our vision of being the No. 1 cleaning company in Syria. We are constantly working on development and meeting the aspirations, wants, and needs of our clients to get their satisfaction. To accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a number of the objectives were set for the year, and many achievements have been reached:

Objectives, Vision, and Added Value for 2021:

We present here the objectives, vision, and added value set for 2021, and what has been achieved and the against-goal progress:

  1. Company Vision for 2021:

“To become the No. 1 cleaning company in Aleppo” through providing our services with the highest quality standards, paying attention to the details of the service starting from contacting the client and post-service communication; this is the main distinctive characteristic we have “paying attention to the details” which was verified by the service evaluations of our clients.

  1. Added Value of 2021:

“Best Quality, Shortest Time”

We have been able to achieve our added value through enhancing the role of our workers and activating them more by utilizing the skills of each person in a way that increases the level of the service and quickens the pace of implementation.

  1. 2021 Objectives:
  • “Stay on course regarding the company’s social responsibility towards the city”: a campaign has been launched “Khalleeha Andaf” – Let it be cleaner – which aimed to shed light on attitudes affecting the cleanliness of the city, awareness of their results, and working on providing some solutions.
  • Increase the number of staff to 30, to be able to meet the increasing number of customer requests and demands, as means to maintain trust” where the company work strategy has been modified, and we have reached a higher number of workers and have provided substantial services that require 20 workers.
  • “To take in consideration and focus on our human resources, to provide them with new merits (being prepared), to attain employees’ level of comfort necessary for doing the job in the best way possible, which will, in turn, reinforce their capacity, skills, their sense of responsibility, which will reflect on the services provided for the clients.”

Many encouraging steps have been taken towards the way of dealing with the workers, and we have been able to enhance the sense of responsibility of the employees in the company; thus, achieving the objective.

  • “To keep providing all of our services whilst working on strengthening our last-year additions.”

We have been able to commit to our company provided services with an increase of concern so that they are delivered in the best way. Currently, we are working on analyzing some weakness points to overcome them in 2022.

  • “Add 2 new services to the company’s list”

We have not been able to add new services in 2021, but many experiments have been executed in order to study and analyze the services to work on launching them in 2022.

  • “To sign a periodical service contract with a private company”

We have signed a contract with the Automobile & Tourism Syrian Club as a first step towards the biggest objective, and sign more contracts.

Extra Achievements in 2021:

  • We have reached 498 clients, signed 85 service execution contracts, and provided 368 services overall.
  • The provision of quality services with high-level professionalism, most significant of which is cleaning the Qasr Al-Deyafeh Building (Hospitality Palace) in Aleppo.
  • Provide our clients services with high-level flexibility and organization to attain client satisfaction and sustain their loyalty.

Vision, Added Value, and Objectives of 2022

In 2022, we will continue seeking to achieve our vision at the company to become the no. 1 cleaning company in Syria, which works on developing itself, and try to rise up to the aspirations, wants, and needs of the clients to attain their satisfaction. In order to accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a set of objectives have been set for 2022.

Company Vision in 2022:

“Minimal waiting time for clients”

Added Value for 2022:

“Client Service”

Objectives Set for 2022:

  • Stay on course regarding the company’s social responsibility, and work on more fully activating this responsibility.
  • To take in consideration and focus on our human resources in the company, to provide them with merits, to attain employees’ level of comfort necessary for doing the job in the best way possible, which will, in turn, reinforce their capacity, skills, their sense of responsibility, which will reflect on the services provided for the clients.
  • To keep providing all of our services whilst working on strengthening our new services which have been recently added.
  • Add a new service to the company’s list, and work on enhancing and activating it in a way that meets the needs of the clients.
  • Form a partnership with a private enterprise (institution) for mutual cooperation and work, to provide services to the clients in a way that meets their needs and achieves integration (complementation) with the private company.
  • Increase sales by a margin of 5%
  • Work on reducing costs by a margin of 5%

Annual Report 2022

In the year 2022, the company continued its journey, at a steady pace, with an increasing and stable frequency, despite all the obstacles that greatly affected the various aspects of work, to achieve our vision of being the first cleaning company in Syria, which is always pursuing developing itself and strive to achieve the aspirations, desires and needs of customers. To achieve their satisfaction, and in order to achieve this distant vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for the year 2022 were defined, and many achievements were achieved:

Goals, vision and added value set for 2022:

We review the company’s goals, vision and added value for the year 2022, what has been achieved and the percentage of completion:

  1. The company’s vision for the year 2022:

“Less waiting time for customers” We were able to achieve our vision with a 95% completion rate, as we couldn’t achieve the lowest waiting time in only 3 jobs during the year.

  1. Added value for the year 2022:

“Customer Service” We were able to achieve our added value by enhancing the effectiveness of the communication system, enhancing the services provided, and adding new services, to increase the integration of the service provided to customers.

  1. The goals set for 2022:
  2. “Continuing the company’s social responsibility and working to activate this responsibility even more.” We were unable to contribute any social responsibility activity, due to the significant disruption of the situation during the year.
  3. “Attention and focus on the human cadre within the institution, and securing benefits for the employees, in order to reach the psychological comfort necessary for the employee to do his work to the fullest, which will lead to enhancing the ability and work skill of the employees, and enhancing their sense of responsibility, and thus is reflected in the services the company provided to its customers. We were able to achieve many benefits for employees in terms of work and permanence system, and in terms of wages, in addition to implementing trainings to enhance their sense of responsibility.
  4. “Continuing to provide all our services and work to enhance the new services that were added in the last period” We were able to provide our services and enhance the new services that were added previously, namely maintenance services (electrical and plumping).
  5. “Adding a new service to the company and working to enhance and activate it in a way that meets the customers’ needs.” The furniture transfer service has been added on pilot basis. Many experiments have been carried out to achieve the ideal image of the service, and it will be launched experimentally during the current first quarter.
  6. “carrying out a partnership with a private institution to exchange cooperation and work together, to provide our services to customers, in a way that meets their needs and achieves integration between us.” An agreement has been made with an institution to cooperate in customer service, and to carry out some experimental projects.
  7. “Sales increased by 5%.” The percentage of increase has been qualitatively achieved.
  8. “Work to reduce costs by 5%.” The percentage was achieved unevenly during the year, and it fluctuated frequently, so that the year’s yield was 4.5%.

Additional achievements for 2022:

  • We were able to reach 502 clients, sign 92 service implementation contracts, and provide 165 services.
  • Providing high quality and professional services, and the new services were rated very well.
  • Providing services to customers with high flexibility and organization at a high level in order to reach customer satisfaction and ensure their loyalty.
  • Achieving happiness among customers dealing with us by 98%.


Hosa Wa Nos

Vision, Added Value, and Objectives of 2023

In 2022, we will continue seeking to achieve our vision at the company to become the no. 1 cleaning company in Syria, which works on developing itself, and try to rise up to the aspirations, wants, and needs of the clients to attain their satisfaction. In order to accomplish this long-term vision, the vision, added value, and a set of objectives have been set for 2023.

Company Vision in 2023:

The integrated source for home services.

Added Value for 2023:

“Renewal and creativity”

Objectives Set for 2023:

  • Expansion so that Hosawanos are actively responsible in their society, and work to enhance this responsibility in a way that positively reflects on society.
  • Work on developing the work system to achieve more advantages and benefits for employees within Hosawanos, which will reflect on customer service effectively and positively.
  • Developing and enhancing the services provided in the company and activating them in a way that meets the needs of customers and increases their loyalty.
  • Concluding partnerships with private institutions to exchange cooperation and work together, to provide our services to customers, in a way that meets their needs and achieves integration between us.
  • Increasing sales by 5%.
  • Work to reduce costs by 5%.

Hosa Wa NOS


Annual report 2023

In 2023, we in the company continued our journey, at a steady pace, and with a somewhat stable frequency, despite all the obstacles that greatly affected various aspects of work and the global economic turmoil. We continued to achieve our vision to be the first services company in Syria, which always works to develop itself and seeks to fulfill customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs, to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision; the company’s vision, added value, and several goals for the year 2023 were set, and many objectives were achieved:

Objectives, vision, and added value established for 2023:

We review the company’s goals, vision, and added value for 2023, what has been achieved, and the percentage of completion:

  1. Company vision for 2023:

“The Integrated Source for Home Services” We achieved our vision with an impressive completion percentage, compared to the turbulent working conditions during the year.

  1. Value added for 2023:

“Renewal and Creativity” We were able to achieve our added value by enhancing the services provided, innovating new implementation methods that were worked on and developed, and new service groups were added as well.

  1. Goals set for 2023:

  2. “Expanding Hosawanos to be effectively responsible for its community, and working to enhance this responsibility in a way that reflects on society.” Also this year, we were not able to contribute to social responsibility in any way, due to the significant turmoil during the year.
  3. “Working to develop the work system to achieve more advantages and benefits for employees within Hosawanos, which will be reflected in customer service effectively and positively.” Some modifications have been made to the work system, and some advantages have been achieved for the work team.
  4. “Developing and enhancing the services provided by the company and activating them in a way that meets customers’ needs and increases their loyalty.” We managed to provide integrated services to 10 clients (i.e. a set of services for one client).
  5. “Concluding partnerships with private institutions to exchange cooperation and work together, to provide our services to customers, in a way that meets their needs and achieves integration between us.” We were unable to reach a strategic agreement, but we are still in the discussion and agreement phase.
  6. “Increase sales by 5%” We couldn’t achieve an increase in sales mainly due to the disturbance in economic conditions, but we were able to maintain the sales rate.
  7. “Working to reduce costs by 5%” We couldn’t reduce the costs. Rather, costs increased in some cases, which is being studied and analyzed.

Additional achievements for 2023:

  • We managed to reach 497 clients, sign 84 service contracts, and provide 127 services.
  • Providing quality services with high professionalism, and the new services were highly rated.
  • Providing a range of services to 10 clients, which was planned.
  • Providing services to customers with high flexibility and high-level organization to achieve customer satisfaction and ensure their loyalty.
  • Achieving 100% happiness among our customers.


Hosa wa nos

Vision, added value and goals 2024

In 2024, the company will continue the endeavor to achieve our vision of being the first services company in Syria, and despite all the challenges facing the local market in particular, and the global market in general, we are always working to develop ourselves and try to achieve customers’ aspirations, desires and needs, to gain their satisfaction, and to achieve the long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value and a set of goals for 2024 have been identified.

Company vision for 2024:

“Enhancing comprehensive and integrated services”

Added value for 2024:

“Integration in action”

Goals set for 2024:

  • Paying attention to comprehensive services, focusing on them, and specializing in them.
  • Increase sales volume by 5%.
  • Targeting specific clients, strengthening the network of relationships, and establishing new strategic agreements.
  • Regularity of offers and interaction with the market.
  • Developing ideas for new service groups.









Annual Report 2024

In 2024, our company continued its journey with steady steps and relatively stable progress, despite various obstacles that significantly impacted different aspects of our work. Despite the global economic turmoil, we continued to pursue our vision of becoming the leading service company in Syria. We always strive to develop ourselves and meet our customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for 2024 were identified, and many achievements were made:

Goals, Vision, and Added Value for 2024:

We present the company’s goals, vision, added value for 2024, what has been achieved, and the completion rate:

Company’s Vision for 2024:

“Enhancing Comprehensive Integrated Services” We achieved the vision by implementing a remarkable range of integrated services, canceling minor services, and specializing only in comprehensive services.

Added Value for 2024:

“Integration in Work” We achieved added value by enhancing integration in our work as one of our unique points of distinction, paying great attention to this aspect to achieve it and our unique excellence.

Goals for 2024:

  • Focus on comprehensive services, and specialize in them: We achieved this by focusing efforts solely on comprehensive services and completely canceling minor services.
  • Increase sales volume by 5%: Achieved with a completion rate of 173.5%.
  • Target quality clients, strengthen the network of relationships, and make new strategic agreements: We provided very high-quality services to companies like Aleppo Old Electricity Company and the Aleppo Winter Club, in addition to important services for some very significant clients.
  • Maintain regular offers and interact with the market: We implemented a series of offers throughout the past year and achieved great results.
  • Develop ideas for new service groups: We were unable to develop new service groups as the focus was on opening new branches, which we have not yet achieved.

Additional Achievements for 2024:

  • Reached 368 clients, signed 94 service implementation contracts, and provided 130 services.
  • Provided a range of services to 5 clients.
  • Delivered services with high flexibility and top-level organization to achieve customer satisfaction and ensure their loyalty.
  • Delivered very high-quality services, including an integrated four-stage service as part of the social responsibility in the Aleppo Old Electricity Company, in addition to providing comprehensive cleaning services for the Aleppo Winter Club premises.
  • Achieved 100% satisfaction among our clients.

Hosa Wa Nos


Vision, added value and goals 2025

In 2025, we will continue our pursuit to achieve our vision of becoming the leading service company in Syria. Despite all the challenges facing the local market in particular, the country in general due to recent political developments, and the global market at large, we always strive to develop ourselves and attempt to fulfill our customers’ aspirations, desires, and needs to gain their satisfaction. To achieve this long-term vision, the company’s vision, added value, and a set of goals for 2025 have been identified.

Company vision for 2025:

“Enhancing Partnership and Cooperation with Others”

Added value for 2025:

“Competitive Achievement”

Goals set for 2025:

  • Focus on comprehensive services, and specialize in them more.
  • Increase sales volume by 15%.
  • Target quality clients, enhance the network of relationships, and make new strategic agreements.
  • Strive to open the first branch outside the city of Aleppo.
  • Maintain regular offers and interact with the market in unique and distinctive ways.
  • Develop ideas for a group of services and conduct initial tests for them.


Hosa Wa Nos





Monthly visit

Professional staff


Owner founder partner

Ehsan Saghir

Captain of Hossa Wa Nos, served as CEO of three social and commercial institutions, a community entrepreneur, 10 years of experience in management and quality control.


Previous founder partner

Anas Engrieny

Bachelor of Business Administration, Business / Social Entrepreneurship, launched 20 community projects, and founded two emerging companies.